This novel is set in the small town of Red Fork, Pennsylvania. There lives 17 year old, William Lassiter and his two best friends, Katie Wilson and Tyrone Martin or 'Ty' as they call him. The town used to be the country estate of a very rich and powerful man know as Algernon McAllister in the late nineteenth century. McAllister died on the maiden voyage of the 'Titanic '. Most of the families in Red Fork have lived there for a few generations, including the Lassiters. All the residents of Red Fork enjoy the peace, comfort and closeness of the town, all except for one, Will. He always felt like he was locked inside a cage, he wanted to see the rest of the world and he wanted to leave Red Fork as soon as possible. He lives next to the massive mansion which was where McAllister lived in his day, but it always had a strange feeling and eerieness to it which made most residents stay away. But when his new neighbour, Dr. Perez and his daughter Laura moved into the ' Stone Manor ,' a mystery began to unfold, one that was covered up for centuries. That's when things start to get really, really strange...
' The Ring of McAllister ' is a great book for adventure lovers and also people who enjoy a good thriller! There are a few slightly disturbing parts that might make you to prefer to read it in daylight. This book is full of nail-biting excitement and action and completed with a thrilling, suspenseful and powerful storyline that makes this novel extremely hard to put down. This book is well written and is full of highly descriptive language and is very detailed. I definitely recommend this book to others and assure them that it will not fail to please even the most discerning readers!
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